FSCE is a value driven organization. Its core values are the principles that it cherishes and follows in serving disadvantaged children and working with communities and various stakeholders. The guiding values of FSCE have been agreed upon and endorsed as binding principles to be adhered to by the, board, management and staff in serving its beneficiaries and building working relationship with other stakeholders. The following are the values that guide FCSE through the next five years strategic plan implementation and other organizational operations.

Participation: FSCE operates under the principle that children in particular and the community in general should be actively involved in each and every major undertaking and relevant stages of projects and other undertakings. Participation will strongly be tied to the empowerment of children and communities with whom FSCE works. Staff participation in organizational and program matters will always be maintained and enhanced.

Commitment to gender equality and justice: FSCE adheres to the principles of gender equity both at institutional and programmatic levels will ensure that its organizational policies and program intervention guidelines adequately include gender responsiveness as a prerequisite and get implemented. FSCE will also ensure that fairness, justice and respect for all are strictly maintained in working with beneficiaries and other stakeholders

Transparency: FSCE has a strong faith in maintaining transparency in its operation and utilization of resources. It will continue to be open in its relationship with all its stakeholders.

Accountability: FSCE recognizes its legal, ethical and social obligations and accepts its accountability. It will consistently work towards strengthening and streamlining its organizational and operational systems and practices to enable it meet its accountability requirements from donors, government, the community, and all its partners.

Teamwork: FSCE adheres to the principle that building teams is a powerful force that binds FSCE and its members together and moves them foreword successfully. It will continue to value and practice teamwork and endeavor purposefully towards continuously developing team spirit.

Working for the best interest of children: FSCE will continue to be guided by the principle of responding to the best interest of the child in providing its socio-economic and psychosocial support to children.

Providing transformational quality service: FSCE knows that change occurs and sustained impact get created when services to children are provided with good quality. In the provision of basic services, FSCE will focus on best quality work in order to make sure the life of disadvantaged children could be positively transformed in a lasting manner.

Partnership: FSCE recognizes that partnership is a powerful tool that builds a sense of working and achieving together. It believes that true partnership is based on mutual trust, respect and benefit. FSCE will continue to develop partnership with all its stakeholders in a bid to realize its vision and mission.

Sustainability: FSCE believes that the continuity of relevant programs and the sustaining of useful impacts that positively change the life of children have to be maintained. Therefore, FSCE gives specials emphasis and commits itself to sustainability in all its useful forms.

Empowerment: FSCE believes helping marginalized children and their families through provision of education, Income Generating Activities, primary health care, Building their Self Esteem and Helping to Develop Bright Future through psychosocial service will help in bringing sustainable impact on the growth and development of children.





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